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Help at home

If you are finding it a challenge to bathe, wash or dress yourself, move around safely, or prepare food and drinks, you may need help from a support worker. This could be considered after other solutions such as reablement, equipment or Technology Enabled Care have been explored. In Lincolnshire, there are a wide range of providers who can help you live in your home for longer, in the way that you want. They can help you with all sorts of daily living needs both at home and when you’re out in your community.

Support providers

If you need help with tasks around the house, such as getting meals, doing the laundry or the shopping, a support provider will be able to help. They can help you to get out and about in your local community, supporting you to do the things that are important to you. They can help you with learning new skills or relearning old ones. Providers can be found via the Provider Directory.

Age UK - strengthening connections

Age UK can help people from the comfort of their own home with the following: how to video call family or friends; how to book a virtual GP appointment; how to shop online for groceries, utilities etc; how to login to join one of our many activities, from quizzes reading, seated exercise classes and more; and can help people do a benefit check or open a bank account online.

No computer or internet is necessary as Age UK will bring their own and their advisors will guide the person through the process, or if the person prefers complete it for them.

To discuss how Age UK can help or refer a friend or family member into the service. Call 03455 564 144 

Personal assistants

Alternatively, you may want even more choice and control about who supports you. You may wish to think about employing a personal assistant, to ensure that your needs are met in a way that is right for you. A personal budget can give you the freedom to employ someone directly.

Penderels Trust has a PA Finder which you can use to search for personal assistants in Lincolnshire.

Further information about personal assistants can be found on the Personal Assistants page.

Choosing who supports you

You may need practical help due to frailty, illness, physical or learning disabilities, or mental health issues. You may need help following a stay in hospital, or temporary help so you can relearn skills. If you pay for your own services, or have a Direct Payment, you can choose any personal care or support provider. Providers can be found via the Provider Directory.

If Lincolnshire County Council looks after the funding of your care, this is a ‘managed budget’. You can still choose which provider you want, but only from the list of providers who have a contract with Lincolnshire County Council. These providers agree to meet certain quality and price standards.


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