If you are paying the full cost of your care, you are known as a self-funder. This means that either:
- you have chosen not to approach Adult Care for help, or
- you have been assessed but you are not currently eligible for services, or
- you are eligible for services, but your savings are above £23,250
- you are eligible but have not cooperated with the financial assessment or choose not to disclose your finances
You can also secure the services of a broker to manage your care packages.
Lincolnshire County Council can help you to make arrangements for your community support using their brokerage and procurement arrangements. However, they will charge you a one-off arrangement fee. The arrangement fee will only apply to you if you are financially assessed being a self-funder and you have asked the Council to arrange and manage your care package.
For further information about Financial Assessments, Charging and Self-funding visit the Lincolnshire County Council website.