The Lincolnshire Carers Service is delivered in partnership by Lincolnshire County Council's Customer Service Centre and Carers First.
You can contact the Lincolnshire Carers Service to talk to someone about your caring role and they will listen and provide you with support. The Customer Service Centre is the first point of contact for all general enquiries regarding support for carers. You can contact the Customer Service Centre from 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday, except on public holidays on 01522 782224 or by emailing
The Lincolnshire Carers Service can help you with:
- information, advice, and guidance specific to you as a carer
- the opportunity to talk in detail about your caring role (a carer’s assessment)
- support your conversations with people and services such as GPs, social care and hospitals
- practical training to help you in your caring role
- eligibility for benefits and financial support
- opportunities to access support groups and activities so you can meet others in a similar situation to yourself
- Carer’s Emergency Response Plan, which is a plan that you are supported to create and which provides detailed instructions for others to follow in an emergency situation
- getting the balance right in your life again
- support to access a break or help around the home, depending on eligibility this may be funded through a carer’s personal budget
For more information visit the Lincolnshire Carers Service website.