What is a grant?
A grant is a financial donation that you do not have to repay.
Many UK charities and trusts provide grants to help people with the extra costs of ill health or disability, energy efficiency and upgrades or household support.
There are usually criteria for each grant set out by the organisation that offers the grant. These can be related to the person applying for the grant, individual circumstances and/or what the grant is going to be used for.
Using a grant finder
Grant finder tools help you to search multiple grant providers for information that is specific to the reason you are looking for a grant. This means that a wider range of grants can be accessed. They can also search for both local and national grants.
Turn2Us Grants Search
The Turn2Us grants search helps to match you to grants that you may be eligible for.
Visit grants-search.turn2us.org.uk to search for grants.
Disability Grants
Disability Grants helps search for charities and trusts that provide funding towards disability equipment, housing and much more.
Visit disability-grants.org to search for disability grants.
Lightning Reach
Lightning Reach helps you find grants you might be eligible for and help you to apply. It also helps you to identify other financial support, such as benefits, you might quality for.
Visit lightningreach.org to find out more about financial support.