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Older People

Mental Health Matters provides a Mental Health Helpline with a 24/7 telephone response. The Helpline supports the people of Lincolnshire, offering signposting and advice and guidance related to their support needs. 

The free number for Lincolnshire is 0800 0014331


Older people can suffer from mental health problems, just like anyone else and specific services are available to elderly people.

The national NHS website can provide further advice about dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease.

You can also download the Lincolnshire Joint Strategy for Dementia 2018-21.

For information about local mental health services for older adults visit the Lincolnshire Partnership Foundation Trust website.


Befriending, Online Chat Forums and Telephone Support for Older People

The below organisations have dedicated services for befriending, online chats or telephone support for many different topics including: if you are a victim of abuse or neglect; if you are feeling lonely and need support or just want a like minded person to have a chat with.

The Silver Line helpline – open 24 hours, 0800 470 8090

Independent Age – to discuss receiving a regular call, phone the helpline on 0800 319 6789. Lines are open Monday to Friday 8:30 till 5:30pm, or the team can be reached via email on helpline@independence.org.uk.

Age UK – Call in Time, telephone friendship service for over 60

Independent Age – ‘Gransnet’ 


Age UK Lindsey - Keep Connected

Age UK Keep Connected Service is here to help anyone over fifty living in East Lindsey, West Lindsey or North Lincolnshire who is at risk of social isolation or exclusion due to lack of digital resources. The service includes a number of projects, all designed to ensure that older people remain connected and have equal opportunity to access information and support.

Age UK can help people get the information and support they need through:

  • Weekly well-being calls, with referrals to Age UK other services where required
  • Bi-monthly newsletters and seasonal gift packs delivered straight to door
  • Community visits by infobus
  • Free loan of digital equipment, enabling people to 'try before you buy'
  • Advice from the digital team, helping people to improve their skills and confidence

Email: info@ageuklindsey.co.uk
Telephone: 01507 524242

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