21st November 2024
Homes For Ukraine Lincolnshire e-newsletter
Contacting us
Welcome to the latest issue of our e-newsletter for Homes For Ukraine guests and hosts. This newsletter is sent out by Lincolnshire County Council's Migration Team. You can email the team on: homesforukraine@lincolnshire.gov.uk. Our business hours are Monday to Thursday 9:00 -17:00 and Friday from 9:00 - 16:30. Our email address is constantly monitored during these times.
You can also visit our Homes For Ukraine Lincolnshire website to find other information, and also to read this newsletter in Ukrainian or Russian. Use the 'Select Language' button at the top of the screen to switch language.
Відвідайте веб-сайт Оселі для України в Лінкольнширі, щоб прочитати цей інформаційний бюлетень українською або російською мовами. Для перемикання мови використовуйте кнопку 'Вибрати мову' у верхній частині екрана.
Посетите сайт Homes For Ukraine Lincolnshire, чтобы прочитать этот бюллетень на украинском или русском языке. Для переключения языка используйте кнопку 'Выбрать язык' в верхней части экрана.
Homes For Ukraine team support
In Lincolnshire the Homes For Ukraine scheme is co-ordinated by Lincolnshire County Council's Migration Team. If you require any help from the team please email us on: homesforukraine@lincolnshire.gov.uk.
This email address is monitored from Monday to Thursday, 09:00 - 17:00 and Friday 09:00 - 16:30. When you email please include as much detail as possible about the situation you are getting in touch about so that we can triage and respond appropriately. We will reply to all emails within two working days but we prioritise responding urgently to any hosts and guests needing immediate help.
If your enquiry does require a member of the Migration Team to call you please be aware that our call may appear as an 'unknown number' on your phone.
UK Government Guidance
The UK Government issues the guidance covering the Homes For Ukraine scheme. The guidance is split into three sections: guests, sponsors and councils - although some guidance appears under more than one of those headings. Whilst there is a lot of documentation here it is worth having a look through. The Government have split it into smaller sections to help keep everything straightforward. The links to the guidance pages are:
- Guidance for guests (this is in English, Ukrainian and Russian)
- Guidance for sponsors (and hosts)
- Guidance for councils
Guests and Hosts
Thank You payments for hosting close family members
On 01 October 2024 the UK Government announced a change to the policy around thank you payments. The policy change affects people who are hosting Homes For Ukraine guests who are close family members.
From now on we are no longer able to start making thank you payments to people hosting close family members. The definition of a close family member includes:
- a spouse, or civil or unmarried partner;
- a parent;
- a parent-in-law;
- a son or daughter;
- a son- or daughter-in-law;
- a step-son or daughter;
- a sibling;
- a grandparent; or
- the spouse, or civil or unmarried partner of any of these people
This means that we will no longer approve any applications to start receiving thank you payments for people who are hosting close family members.
However if you were hosting a close family member before 01 October 2024 - and you were already receiving the thank you payments before 01 October 2024 - then your thank you payments can continue each month and there is no requirement to pay anything back.
The change only applies to new hosts starting to claim for thank you payments for hosting close family members from 01 October 2024 onwards.
There is more information in the UK Government guidance but if you have any questions please just email us at homesforukraine@lincolnshire.gov.uk and we can explain if you will be affected by this policy change.
Visas and Immigration
Help with eVisas
If you need help setting up your eVisa there are various organisations that are funded by the UK Government to help you.
If you don't have access to the internet or a smartphone or computer you can as the We Are Group for help.
Vulnerable or elderly people can also ask for help. There is a list of different organisations helping in different parts of the country.
The organisations helping people in Lincolnshire are:
- Migrant Help - 07843 170 100 - evisa@migranthelpuk.org
- GYROS - 01493 745260 - admin@gyros.org.uk
The UK Government has also released a YouTube video explaining the process (the video is in English but you can change the subtitles to different languages).
The UK Government have also recommended that Ukrainians keep their expired BRPs even after applying for an eVisa because old BRPs may be needed in order to apply for the Ukraine Permission Extension scheme.
Possible error on the eVisa website
The UK Government have told us that some Ukrainians are seeing an error when they are registering for their eVisa.
The problem seems to relate to Ukrainians being shown some sort of incorrect visa status on the eVisa website - instead of a status of 'Ukraine Scheme' the website is showing 'Leave outside the rules' or 'Humanitarian protection'.
This is an error that the UK Government are aware of. Homes For Ukraine guests should be reassured that their underlying record and immigration status are correct. There is nothing that needs to be done by guests to correct this error, the UK Government are hoping to fix it imminently.
Registering with a GP
The NHS have published some new information sheets on registering with a GP - this might be when you first arrive in the UK or when you move to another area within the UK. There is a Ukrainian version of this information sheet that some guests and hosts might find useful.
Mental Health help
There are lots of organisations in Lincolnshire that can help with mental health. Please have a look at the Health section of our Homes For Ukraine Lincolnshire website - there are lots of useful links under the Mental Health dropdown box.
Tax-free childcare
We would encourage and Ukrainian guests with young children to look at the UK Government's tax-free childcare scheme - this is a way of saving money on childcare with childminders, nurseries and schools.
University places for Homes For Ukraine guests
The UK Government has published an information sheet about what support is available for university students from Ukraine. The information covers tuition fees, student loans, visas and bursaries - it is worth reading if you or one of your children is from Ukraine and is considering applying to attend university in the UK.
Holiday Activities and Food Programme
The Holiday Activities and Food Programme (HAF) is a Government funded programme that provides free holiday clubs for reception to year 11 pupils in receipt of benefits-related free school meals in Lincolnshire over the summer, Christmas and Easter holidays.
Winter HAF bookings are open now, so please look at the website if you would like to book onto any of these activities. You will need an eVoucher provided by your school in order to book an activity.
Ukrainian Cultural Centre, Lincoln
The Ukrainian Cultural Centre in Lincoln are offering free pilates classes every Monday 15:15-16:15 at Lincoln College. This class will run until the end of February 2025. If you would like to join please contact Irene Astbury on 07757 722363.
Ukrainian Christmas Community Choir
UCCL are preparing a programme for Christmas in the style of Ukrainian traditional folk greetings called "Christmas Vertep". The programme includes traditional songs and carols, greetings in verse and interaction with the audience.
Rehearsals take place in a warm and friendly atmosphere every Wednesday from 17:30-18:30 at St Mary le Wigford Church in Lincoln. If you are interested please contact Irene Astbury on 07757 722363.
Gingerbread workshop
UCCL are hosting a gingerbread workshop where children and families can enjoy decorating all things gingerbread. This will take place on Sunday 1st December 12:00-14:00 at St Mary le Wigford Church in Lincoln. Everyone is welcome, to arrange a place please contact Irene Astbury on 07757 722363.
Other help
Ukrainian Community Groups in Lincolnshire
If you are looking to join a Ukrainian community group, visit the Ukraine support groups directory on our Homes For Ukraine Lincolnshire website.
Citizens Advice
Citizens Advice is a charity that offers free support and advice. They can help with a range of issues including immigration and visa advice, claiming universal credit and other benefits. Citizens Advice can provide home visits in rural areas.
In Lincolnshire there is a dedicated helpline number and email address for Homes For Ukraine guests to use. If you would like to ask for help you can call 0344 847 6128 or email ukraine@citizensadvicesouthlincs.org.uk. Citizens Advice also have OISC level 1 qualified staff.
Contact us
If you have any questions, please contact Lincolnshire County Council's Homes For Ukraine team on: homesforukraine@lincolnshire.gov.uk.